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February 11, 2025
Colo. Justices Mull Statute's Silence In MedMal Cap Debate
The Colorado Supreme Court on Tuesday pressed a doctor on why it should cap a patient's prefiling interest in a medical malpractice case when lawmakers didn't clearly state whether an exception to a damages cap applies.
February 11, 2025
No Prison For Firm Manager Who Aided Feds' No-Fault Bust
A Manhattan federal judge allowed a wealthy law firm manager to avoid prison Tuesday for his role in paying bribes that fueled a $70 million no-fault automobile insurance fraud racket, citing his decision to cooperate with prosecutors and willingness to testify.
February 11, 2025
Insurer Says $641M Deal Over Tainted Flint Water Not Covered
An insurer told a Michigan federal court Tuesday that it shouldn't have to pay any part of a $641 million settlement reached by a Flint, Michigan, medical center on behalf of patients who supposedly suffered from legionella and lead exposure because of unclean drinking water in the facility.
February 11, 2025
Insurer May Need To Pay Landlord Row Atty Fees, Panel Says
A California state appeals court found in a partial reversal that an insurer may not be owed more than $300,000 in disputed attorney fees following a $925,000 settlement it contributed to on behalf of a landlord it insured over a tenant dispute.
February 11, 2025
Fla. Judge OKs $7M Deal In Health Data Breach Class Action
A Florida federal judge Tuesday granted final approval of a $7 million class action settlement as part of multidistrict litigation over the theft of personal information from millions of U.S. citizens in a health data breach linked to a Russian ransomware group.
February 11, 2025
Pot Grower Says Nearby Farm's Pesticides Caused $17M Loss
A Massachusetts cannabis grower says pesticides used by an adjacent berry farm contaminated its entire 2022 harvest, costing the lost value of that crop and two subsequent years' revenue, totaling at least $17 million.
February 10, 2025
Xcel, Telecom Cos. Say Colo. Fire Plaintiffs Can't Opt Out Of Trial
Xcel Energy and two telecom companies being sued over the Marshall Fire in Colorado told a state judge that hundreds of plaintiffs pushing to opt out of a common liability trial should not be able to do so, at least until expert reports are shared.
February 10, 2025
Calif. Ruling Holds Wildfire Debris Not A Coverable Loss
Two California homeowners didn't have a covered claim for wildfire debris that infiltrated their home, a state appeals panel ruled, saying there was no evidence the debris caused the kind of loss or damage required for coverage.
February 10, 2025
Texas Property Owner Seeks Over $1M In Storm Coverage
A Nationwide unit unlawfully failed to cover hail and wind damage to a Texas property, its owner alleged in federal court, accusing the insurer of fraud and violating state insurance statutes over unfair settlement practices and prompt claim payment and seeking over $1 million in damages.
February 10, 2025
Co. Not Covered For Background Check Suit, Insurer Says
An insurer told an Illinois federal court on Monday that a company isn't covered for an underlying lawsuit alleging that it mishandled a job applicant's background check, citing multiple policy exclusions.
February 10, 2025
Trenton Diocese Sues Insurers Over Abuse Suit Coverage
The Diocese of Trenton, New Jersey, accused Chubb, Hartford, Travelers and AIG units of violating the state's Unfair Claim Settlement Practices Act over an "onslaught" of child sex abuse lawsuits, telling a New Jersey federal court the parties have made "minimal progress" toward a cost-sharing agreement over defense expenses.
February 10, 2025
PBMs Fight To Keep Mich. AG's Opioid Suit In Federal Court
Pharmacy benefit managers' work on behalf of federal health insurance plans entitles them to keep Michigan's lawsuit over their role in the opioid crisis in federal court, the companies told a federal judge last week.
February 10, 2025
Insurer Says No Coverage Owed For Toxic Hair Product Suit
The makers of a hair straightening treatment do not have coverage for a lawsuit alleging the product is carcinogenic because the claims against them came after the treatment was known to be hazardous, and after the policy had ended, an insurer told a California federal court.
February 10, 2025
Chubb Wants Depo Of Smithfield Foods CLO In Coverage Row
A Chubb unit facing coverage claims from Smithfield Foods Inc. asked the North Carolina Business Court to let it depose the company's chief legal officer before the parties' upcoming April trial even though discovery for the case has ended.
February 10, 2025
Husch Blackwell Adds Corporate Trio In Phoenix, Austin
One week after Husch Blackwell LLP named a new chief operating officer and changed its organizational structure, the firm added three new partners to its financial services and capital markets industry team, it said on Monday.
February 07, 2025
Insurer Escapes Construction Co.'s Suit Over $12.3M Award
A Texas federal judge has ruled that an insurer may exit a construction firm's suit over a $12.3 million arbitral award relating to a $1.35 billion highway project, finding that the firm failed to show that the court has subject matter jurisdiction.
February 07, 2025
5th Circ. Upholds High School's Win In Gym Fire Suit
The Fifth Circuit on Thursday upheld a Louisiana high school's win in its suit claiming that a flooring company caused a gym fire, holding that the high school has a right of action for property damage to the gymnasium.
February 07, 2025
Excess Insurer Says $50M Bad Wine Claims Not Covered
An excess insurer told a Washington federal court that it should not have to contribute to a settlement after an underlying lawsuit asserted more than $50 million in claims against a vineyard for allegedly damaging over 300,000 cases of wine, because there was no coverage.
February 07, 2025
Ga. Hospital Should Face Insurer's Suit Over Double-Billing
A Georgia federal judge has significantly trimmed a lawsuit accusing a regional hospital of double-billing for medical services provided to two people burned in an incident at a South Carolina manufacturing plant.
February 07, 2025
Insurers Say Meta MDL Row Should Be In Del. State Court
Coverage litigation with Meta over underlying claims that it deliberately designed its platforms to be addictive to adolescents ought to take place in Delaware state court, units of Chubb and Hartford told a Delaware federal court, arguing the court need only examine the fact that Meta is a Delaware citizen.
February 07, 2025
Plaintiffs Lawyers Swarm Los Angeles Post-Fires
A deadly wildfire may be among the first covered by a new state fund that reimburses at-fault utility companies. This could mean billions of dollars for plaintiffs lawyers, and, if past fires are any indication, frustration and confusion for some victims.
February 07, 2025
NJ AG Seeks To Escape Retaliation Suit Over Alleged Fraud
The New Jersey Attorney General's Office is urging a state judge to reconsider a ruling that denied its bid to escape a lawsuit accusing the Warren County Prosecutor's Office of retaliating against two officers for their part in uncovering an alleged fraud scheme, saying the office cannot be held liable for the purported misconduct.
February 07, 2025
Katten Real Estate Partner Joins Greenberg Traurig In Chicago
Greenberg Traurig LLP has added former Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP partner Daniel Elrod as a shareholder in its Chicago real estate practice, bringing experience advising debt funds, life insurance companies and institutional lenders on a variety of deals.
February 07, 2025
9th Circ. Says State Farm Unit Owes No More For Leaks
A State Farm unit owes no additional payment to a California medical center for lost income from water damage, a Ninth Circuit panel ruled, agreeing with a lower court that the insurer paid the amount due under the policy.
February 07, 2025
UK Litigation Roundup: Here's What You Missed In London
This past week in London has seen Investec Bank PLC sue two diamond tycoons, London florist Nikki Tibbles file a claim against an "imitator company," a direct descendant of the Cartier family launch a claim, and a Coronation Street actor hit footballer Joe Bunney with a defamation claim. Here, Law360 looks at these and other new claims in the U.K.
Expert Analysis
Judge Should Not Have Been Reprimanded For Alito Essay
Senior U.S. District Judge Michael Ponsor's New York Times essay critiquing Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito for potential ethical violations absolutely cannot be construed as conduct prejudicial to the administration of the business of the courts, says Ashley London at the Thomas R. Kline School of Law of Duquesne University.
Lights, Camera, Ethics? TV Lawyers Tend To Set Bad Example
Though fictional movies and television shows portraying lawyers are fun to watch, Hollywood’s inaccurate depictions of legal ethics can desensitize attorneys to ethics violations and lead real-life clients to believe that good lawyers take a scorched-earth approach, says Nancy Rapoport at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Del. Ruling Further Narrows Scope Of 'Bump-Up' Exclusion
The recent Delaware Superior Court ruling in Harman International v. Illinois National Insurance offers a critical framework for interpreting bump-up exclusions in management liability insurance policies, and follows the case law trend of narrow interpretation of such exclusions, says Simone Haugen at Tressler.
Accountant-Owned Law Firms Could Blur Ethical Lines
KPMG’s recent application to open a legal practice in Arizona represents the first overture by an accounting firm to take advantage of the state’s relaxed law firm ownership rules, but enforcing and supervising the practice of law by nonattorneys could prove particularly challenging, says Seth Laver at Goldberg Segalla.
Ch. 11 Ruling Confirms Insurer Standing Requirements
A New York bankruptcy court's recent decision in the Syracuse Diocese's Chapter 11 case indicates that insurers have misread the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2024 ruling in Truck Insurance Exchange v. Kaiser Gypsum and that federal standing requirements remain unaltered, say attorneys at Lowenstein Sandler.
AI Will Soon Transform The E-Discovery Industrial Complex
Todd Itami at Covington discusses how generative artificial intelligence will reshape the current e-discovery paradigm, replacing the blunt instrument of data handling with a laser scalpel of fully integrated enterprise solutions — after first making e-discovery processes technically and legally harder.
A View Of The Shifting Insurance Regulatory Landscape
Attorneys at Eversheds Sutherland explore how the Federal Insurance Office's climate report, the new presidential administration and the California wildfires might affect the insurance regulatory landscape.
When Innovation Overwhelms The Rule Of Law
In an era where technology is rapidly evolving and artificial intelligence is seemingly everywhere, it’s worth asking if the law — both substantive precedent and procedural rules — can keep up with the light speed of innovation, says Reuben Guttman at Guttman Buschner.
Best Practices To Optimize Cybersecurity Insurance
As cyberthreats continue to evolve, the risks associated with third-party vendor breaches are an increasing concern, so businesses must not only reevaluate their internal cybersecurity insurance, but also take proactive steps to evaluate and manage the risks posed by their third-party relationships, say attorneys at Reed Smith.
Imagine The Possibilities Of Openly Autistic Lawyering
Andi Mazingo at Lumen Law, who was diagnosed with autism about midway through her career, discusses how the legal profession can create inclusive workplaces that empower openly autistic lawyers and enhance innovation, and how neurodivergent attorneys can navigate the challenges and opportunities that come with disclosing one’s diagnosis.
Courts Should Nix Conferencing Rule In 1 Discovery Scenario
Parties are generally required to meet and confer to resolve a discovery dispute before bringing a related motion, but courts should dispense with this conferencing requirement when a party fails to specify a time by which it will complete its production, says Tristan Ellis at Shanies Law.
Documentary Filmmaking Makes Me A Better Lawyer
Becoming a documentary filmmaker has allowed me to merge my legal expertise with my passion for storytelling, and has helped me to hone negotiation, critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are important to both endeavors, says Robert Darwell at Sheppard Mullin.
Litigation Funding Disclosure Debate: Strategy Considerations
In the ongoing debate over whether courts should require disclosure of litigation funding, funders and plaintiffs tend to argue against such mandates, but voluntarily disclosing limited details about a funding arrangement can actually confer certain benefits to plaintiffs in some scenarios, say Andrew Stulce and Marc Cavan at Longford Capital.
Illuminating The Trend Of Florida's Unpaid Hurricane Claims
The sheer number of insurance claims closed without payment for damage caused by Hurricanes Milton and Helene reveals a systemic problem within Florida's insurance industry exacerbated by complex issues, including climate change and state regulators' resource limitations, say attorneys at Farah & Farah.
Top Considerations For Insurance Companies In 2025
As insurance industry participants look to plan for the year, regulatory changes, climate-related challenges, the ongoing effects of social inflation and the potential for significant mergers and acquisitions will be among the key items for insurer boards and management to have on their radar, say attorneys at Debevoise.