
  • December 18, 2024

    Insurance Co. Buyer Accuses Seller Of Fraud In Chancery Suit

    Alleging a "textbook case of fraud in the inducement and breach of fiduciary duty," a holding company that acquired Georgia-based Southern Trust Insurance Co. has sued the seller's principals, associates and their company in Delaware's Court of Chancery.

  • December 18, 2024

    Insurer Says No Coverage For USC Frat's Sex Assault Suit

    An insurer told a California federal court that it doesn't owe coverage to an event company accused of failing to provide a safe environment at a fraternity party where a woman said she was sexually assaulted, saying the policy's professional services and sexual misconduct exclusions preclude coverage.

  • December 18, 2024

    Top Conn. Cases Of 2024: Kickbacks, Paybacks And Bribes

    Judges and juries in Connecticut awarded several multimillion-dollar verdicts against companies big and small in 2024, socking Johnson & Johnson in a talc case in which the already substantial damages could multiply and ordering a pharmacy that paid kickbacks to cough up nearly four times the money it cost the state.

  • December 17, 2024

    BDO Asks 2nd Circ. To Rethink AmTrust Investor Suit Ruling

    Auditing firm BDO USA LLP has asked the full Second Circuit to review an earlier decision that allowed a lawsuit brought by AmTrust Financial Services Inc. investors to move forward on claims that the auditor did a poor job reviewing the insurer's financial statements.

  • December 17, 2024

    Insurer Can't Duck Coverage Of Fire Suit, Texas Jury Finds

    A Texas federal jury rejected an insurer's bid to escape covering a trucking company in an underlying suit over a fire at a saltwater disposal facility that killed one of the company's employees, finding that the incident was not caused by the excluded act of hydrofracking.

  • December 17, 2024

    Insurer Gets $29M Fatal Crash Judgment Thrown Out

    A North Carolina appeals court on Tuesday threw out a nearly $29 million judgment against an insurance company in a suit alleging it failed to defend and settle claims from a fatal car accident, saying the company had no duty to defend.

  • December 17, 2024

    Insurers Freed From Multivehicle House Collision Row

    The Michigan Court of Appeals reversed a lower court's decision, finding that the insurers of vehicles damaged during a 2019 semitruck accident were not responsible for paying for a home that was also destroyed in the incident because the other cars' involvement in the melee was secondary.

  • December 17, 2024

    Oil Cos. Seek Coverage For Water Byproduct Pollution

    Two oil and gas companies accused their commercial general liability insurer and certain Lloyd's of London underwriters of denying coverage for a release of waste byproduct in bad faith, telling a New Mexico federal court the release further triggered state-supervised remediation efforts that imposed additional costs.

  • December 17, 2024

    Insurer Settles Coverage Row Over Conn. Plane Crash

    An aviation insurer seeking to avoid coverage for a 2021 crash that killed all four passengers aboard a Cessna private jet settled its suit with the owners and operators of the jet, according to a notice in Connecticut state court.

  • December 17, 2024

    IRS Finalizes Expanded 'Coverage Month' For Premium Credit

    The Internal Revenue Service finalized rules Tuesday that will expand the definition of a coverage month for purposes of computing the health insurance premium tax credit.

  • December 17, 2024

    Locke Lord Adds Ex-Insurance Biz General Counsel ‎In NY

    Locke Lord LLP has hired the former general counsel for specialty property and casualty insurance company Everspan Group to bolster its regulatory and transactional insurance practice group.

  • December 17, 2024

    Allianz Pulls $1.6B Bid For Singapore's Income Insurance

    Germany's Allianz SE has withdrawn its all-cash offer to buy a majority stake in Singapore-based Income Insurance Ltd. for 2.2 billion Singapore dollars ($1.64 billion), citing opposition from the Singaporean government.

  • December 16, 2024

    11th Circ. Says Citrus Grower's Coverage Row Was Ripe

    A citrus grower's bid for damages from its insurer in connection with environmental remediation costs was ripe, the Eleventh Circuit said, reviving the case after finding that a Florida district court wrongly dismissed it by conflating the issue of ripeness with the merits of the grower's claims.

  • December 16, 2024

    Minn. Panel Revives $1.5M Fire Loss Row Against State Farm

    A Minnesota state appeals court revived a property owner's $1.5 million bid for additional coverage over a building fire, finding Monday that while state law and the owner's State Farm policy required it to sue within two years of the loss, that requirement didn't extend to the owner's appraisal demand.

  • December 16, 2024

    Vegetable Co. Seeks $5M Policy Limit For Facility Fire

    A Pacific Northwest vegetable processor said its insurer owed the full $5 million limit of its policy after a fire broke out at a Washington state facility and caused over $73 million in property damage and business income losses combined, according to a complaint removed to federal court.

  • December 16, 2024

    UnitedHealthcare Shooting Suspect Hires Ex-NYC Prosecutor

    Karen Friedman Agnifilo, a former veteran prosecutor in the Manhattan District Attorney's Office, has been retained to represent the man accused of killing the CEO of UnitedHealthcare outside a hotel in midtown Manhattan earlier this month, a spokesperson for Agnifilo's firm said Monday.

  • December 16, 2024

    Pa. Malpractice Fund Belongs To State, 3rd Circ. Rules

    The Third Circuit said Monday in a precedential ruling that Pennsylvania's medical malpractice insurance fund is an agency of the state and that it can dip into the fund's $300 million budget surplus.

  • December 16, 2024

    Contractor, Insurer Seek Early Win In $2.85M Bridge Dispute

    A construction company and an excess insurer each sought a pretrial win in Florida federal court over coverage for a demolition subcontractor's faulty work that the construction company said cost more than $2.85 million, after a primary insurer already paid $1 million toward an underlying settlement.

  • December 16, 2024

    Sempra Policies Too Old For $1.8B Leak Coverage, Court Told

    An insurer told a California federal judge to end Sempra Energy's bid to obtain coverage in connection with a nearly $1.8 billion settlement over the largest natural gas leak in U.S. history, claiming its policies expired before any alleged injuries occurred.

  • December 16, 2024

    Wyden Bill Would Nix Tax Perks For Private Placement Plans

    U.S. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden unveiled legislation Monday that would remove the tax benefits of a special type of private life insurance plan that he said high-net-worth individuals have been abusing to avoid paying taxes on their investments in the policies.

  • December 13, 2024

    UnitedHealthcare Owes $900K For Services, Provider Says

    A national healthcare provider and two affiliated entities told a Minnesota federal court that UnitedHealthcare owes over $900,000 in independent dispute resolution awards entered against the carrier, accusing it of devising a scheme of denying, delaying and underpaying out-of-network providers.

  • December 13, 2024

    La. Judge Won't Reopen Hurricane Damage Case

    A Louisiana federal judge has declined to reopen litigation over millions of dollars of hurricane damage in light of new precedent from the state's top court on the arbitration of such disputes, citing conflicting guidance from the Fifth Circuit.

  • December 13, 2024

    UK Litigation Roundup: Here's What You Missed In London

    This past week in London has seen a group of franchise operators hit Vodafone with a £120 million ($151 million) claim for allegedly imposing commission cuts, green energy tycoon Dale Vince pursue another libel action against the publisher of the Daily Mail, and parcel delivery giant Yodel face a claim by an investor that helped save it from collapse earlier in the year.

  • December 13, 2024

    Insurer Argo Beats Investor Suit Over Reserve Estimate Risks

    A New York federal judge has dismissed a proposed investor class action against Argo Group International Holdings Ltd. and its executives, finding that the insurance firm adequately disclosed the risks and uncertainties in its reserve estimations and that a 2017 review of underwriting guidelines did not contradict its reserve management statements.

  • December 13, 2024

    Aetna Analyst Says She Was Forced Out Over ADD Disability

    Health insurer Aetna was hit with a disability discrimination lawsuit in Georgia federal court by a former data analyst who said she was forced out of her job by regular harassment from her supervisor over her attention deficit disorder.

Expert Analysis

  • Replacing The Stigma Of Menopause With Law Firm Support

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    A large proportion of the workforce is forced to pull the brakes on their career aspirations because of the taboo surrounding menopause and a lack of consistent support, but law firms can initiate the cultural shift needed by formulating thoughtful workplace policies, says Barbara Hamilton-Bruce at Simmons & Simmons.

  • Planning Law Firm Content Calendars: What, When, Where

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    During the slower month of August, law firms should begin working on their 2025 content calendars, planning out a content creation and distribution framework that aligns with the firm’s objectives and maintains audience engagement throughout the year, says Jessica Kaplan at Legally Penned.

  • Insuring Lender's Baseball Bet Leads To Major League Dispute

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    In RockFence v. Lloyd's, a California federal court seeks to define who qualifies as a professional baseball player for purposes of an insurance coverage payout, providing an illuminating case study of potential legal issues arising from baseball service loans, say Marshall Gilinsky and Seán McCabe at Anderson Kill.

  • Notable Q2 Updates In Insurance Class Actions

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    Mark Johnson and Mathew Drocton at BakerHostetler discuss the muted nature of the property and casualty insurance class action space in the second quarter of the year, with no large waves made in labor depreciation and total-loss vehicle class actions, but a new offensive theory emerging for insurance companies.

  • Series

    Playing Golf Makes Me A Better Lawyer

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    Golf can positively affect your personal and professional life well beyond the final putt, and it’s helped enrich my legal practice by improving my ability to build lasting relationships, study and apply the rules, face adversity with grace, and maintain my mental and physical well-being, says Adam Kelly at Venable.

  • Law Firms Should Move From Reactive To Proactive Marketing

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    Most law firm marketing and business development teams operate in silos, leading to an ad hoc, reactive approach, but shifting to a culture of proactive planning — beginning with comprehensive campaigns — can help firms effectively execute their broader business strategy, says Paul Manuele at PR Manuele Consulting.

  • Opinion

    The Big Issues A BigLaw Associates' Union Could Address

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    A BigLaw associates’ union could address a number of issues that have the potential to meaningfully improve working conditions, diversity and attorney well-being — from restructured billable hour requirements to origination credit allocation, return-to-office mandates and more, says Tara Rhoades at The Sanity Plea.

  • Opinion

    It's Time For A BigLaw Associates' Union

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    As BigLaw faces a steady stream of criticism about its employment policies and practices, an associates union could effect real change — and it could start with law students organizing around opposition to recent recruiting trends, says Tara Rhoades at The Sanity Plea.

  • How Justices Upended The Administrative Procedure Act

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    In its recent Loper Bright, Corner Post and Jarkesy decisions, the U.S. Supreme Court fundamentally changed the Administrative Procedure Act in ways that undermine Congress and the executive branch, shift power to the judiciary, curtail public and business input, and create great uncertainty, say Alene Taber and Beth Hummer at Hanson Bridgett.

  • Opinion

    DOL's Impending Mental Health Act Regs Should Be Simplified

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    The U.S. Department of Labor should consider revising these six issues in its forthcoming Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act regulations to ease the significant compliance hurdles for group health plan sponsors, says Alden Bianchi at McDermott.

  • Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Is My Counterclaim Bound To Fall?

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    A Pennsylvania federal court’s recent dismissal of the defendants’ counterclaims in Morgan v. Noss should remind attorneys to avoid the temptation to repackage a claim’s facts and law into a mirror-image counterclaim, as this approach will often result in a waste of time and resources, says Matthew Selmasska at Kaufman Dolowich.

  • Insurance Lessons From 11th Circ. Ruling On Policy Grammar

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    The Eleventh Circuit's recent decision in ECB v. Chubb Insurance, holding that missing punctuation didn't change the clear meaning of a professional services policy, offers policyholder takeaways about the uncertainty that can arise when courts interpret insurance policy language based on obscure grammatical canons, say Hugh Lumpkin and Garrett Nemeroff at Reed Smith.

  • 6 Factors That Can Make For A 'Nuclear' Juror

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    Drawing from recent research that examines the rise in nuclear verdicts, Ken Broda-Bahm at Persuasion Strategies identifies a few juror characteristics most likely to matter in assessing case risk and preparing for jury selection — some of which are long-known, and others that are emerging post-pandemic.

  • Series

    Playing Dungeons & Dragons Makes Me A Better Lawyer

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    Playing Dungeons & Dragons – a tabletop role-playing game – helped pave the way for my legal career by providing me with foundational skills such as persuasion and team building, says Derrick Carman at Robins Kaplan.

  • 3 Leadership Practices For A More Supportive Firm Culture

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    Traditional leadership styles frequently amplify the inherent pressures of legal work, but a few simple, time-neutral strategies can strengthen the skills and confidence of employees and foster a more collaborative culture, while supporting individual growth and contribution to organizational goals, says Benjamin Grimes at BKG Leadership.

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